For as long as I can remember, music has been an integral part of my life. My parents would play all kinds around the house as I was growing up - everything from classic blues to contemporary pop radio to classical - and it instilled a deep love of music within me from a very early age. As I grew up and began to develop my own tastes, I found myself increasingly drawn to albums not only by their sound, but the sleeves and artwork, and the seed of my interest in design was planted. I was fascinated by the way that a truly great visual could actually elevate the listening experience, and even help listeners make sense of the music itself in some cases. Whenever I bought an album I would spend the majority of my first, second, third listen poring over the contents of the liner notes; I was always drawn to the more image-based booklets, and disappointed with the plain lyrics sheets in other albums. Sometimes, even the artwork in the former didn’t feel quite “right” to me, or match up with how I viewed the music in my head - this frustration somehow led me to discovering Photoshop, and I’ve been creating alternate album and single artwork for personal use (and to keep my skills sharp) ever since. These are the covers I’m most proud of - and I plan on adding more in the future, so check back often.